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Home Language Survey

Faulkton Schools Area District 24-4 Home Language Survey

Faulkton Schools Area District 24-4 Home Language Survey

Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to identify possible English learners (ELS) during enrollment.  This Home Language Survey (HLS) is used as a tool to determine if your child is eligible for language support services.  If a language other than English is used by you or your child and your child meets the English Learner (EL) definition, the school may give your child an English Language Proficiency assessment.  The school will share the results of the assessment with you.

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Parent Signature*
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This is a survey to identify students that are English language learners. 

What is the language most frequently spoken at home?*
Answer Required
What language did your child learn when he/she began to talk?**
Answer Required
Which language does your child most frequently speak at home?*
Answer Required
Which language do you most frequently speak to your child?*
Answer Required
In what language would you prefer to get information from school?*
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