Senior Internship
FHS Internship Program:
The internship course provides an opportunity to link school and work on a continuous spectrum by bringing together all the stockholders in our community. This capstone course aims to allow students extensive experience in a workplace environment that can enhance their future in both the avenues of post-secondary education and a future career choice. The core of the youth internship approach includes a change in the way students are taught by focusing on real-world applications. We expect this experience to provide our students with the opportunity to connect and network with professionals in not only our community; but across the state and region as well.
The youth internship philosophy emphasizes active workplace involvement as a learning environment, challenging students with higher academic and skill standards while helping them explore potential careers. This program allows junior and senior students to gain hands-on experience in their chosen career cluster.
Enrollment Criteria:
- Student must have completed and received a B average (86%) or better in the 'employability' course prior to enrolling in the internship program.
- Student has had no more than ten excused absences during the year prior to the internship.
- Student has had no un-excused absences during the year prior to the internship.
- Student has had no more than five un-excused tardies during the year prior to the internship.
- Student has had no history of being removed from any class for misbehavior or suspended from school for any reason during the year prior to an internship.
- Student must submit a completed internship application to the Internship Coordinator.
- Application submittal and completed contract deadlines are as follows: (Note: if the deadline date is not a school day, the date reverts to the Monday immediately following the stated date.)
Summer: March 1 application; April 1 for completed contracts
Fall: May 1 for application; September 1 for completed contracts
Spring: December 15 for application; January 5 for completed contracts
Fall: May 1 for application; September 1 for completed contracts
Spring: December 15 for application; January 5 for completed contracts
Exceptions to the above criteria may be allowed at the discretion of the Internship Coordinator and/or HS principal.
Application.docx (15k) Chase Casper, Apr 26, 2018, 8:52 AM
Contracts.docx (23k) Chase Casper, Apr 26, 2018, 8:53 AM
Manual.docx (65k) Chase Casper, Apr 26, 2018, 8:50 AM